
Hi there! I'm Leigh, but you may just know me as "Puddles." I started working with clay in 2018, but during the 2020 lockdowns, I kicked into ceramics to challenge myself and stay happy, and it worked!

My nickname comes from my grandmother, who always encouraged me to "never stop jumping in puddles" and to have fun. As such, my style is usually spooky and nerdy! You'll find a ton of skulls and cryptids because life should be enjoyed without taking ourselves too seriously.

So dive into my Puddles Pottery work and connect with my whimsical creations! Let's embrace the joy of life together!

Overall, the pottery process takes about a month because there is a lot of waiting for things to dry or heat properly! Beyond the waiting, it takes several hours to make each individual piece. From weighing the initial clay to sanding down burrs to measuring glaze, there's a lot of detail work involved. Finally, each piece I carve or test special glazes on gets an extra hour or more of attention.

Here's a webpage that describes the process from Pottery Crafters. Please let me know if you are confused or have questions about the process or time, but I promise - I dedicate as much time as possible to each piece I make.



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